How To Proceed With The Check-In Process (Visitor): |
For Tablet
To carry out the Self Check-In process, visitors will be presented with the overview as shown in the screenshot below. As such, visitors will have to option select Walk-In Registration or Scan QR Code. Note that Walk-In Registration is for visitors that have not pre-registered themselves in i-Neighbour while Scan QR Code is for visitors who already registered themselves and currently have a QR Code in possession for access.
To start the registration process, visitors will need to tap on the Register icon and state the resident that they intend to visit by including the resident’s Block/Street, Level, Unit No. and Name. This is done to ensure that the visitors are in the correct neighbourhood. Once the required fields are filled up, please tap on Next to proceed.
Next, visitors will be presented with the option to call the residents for approval of the visit. Tap on the Call icon to start calling. Depending on the situation, the resident may not be at home at the time of the visit. In such cases, there will be a notification informing the visitors regarding the situation and that they can call the other tenants within the residences instead.
Once the residents have approved the visitation, the visitors will in turn be presented with a Walk-In Registration Form. Here, visitors get to state the Purpose of their visitation, Name, ID/Driving No. and the Number of visitors. Once the required fields are filled up, please tap on Next to proceed with the registration.
Once done, visitors will receive a QR Code for the purpose of checking-out or re-entry. Note that visitors will have to snap a picture of the QR Code and keep it for the duration of their visit. After getting the QR Code image, tap on Unlock Door to access the compound.