1. Calendar - Lunar, Hijri, Farsi
Malaysia is a country blessed with multiculturalism, and because of that particular consideration, we have added different types of calendars, including Lunar, Hijri and Farsi. This new addition to the feature is a convenience to any users with planning associated with these calendars. Referring to multiple calendars would be a thing of the past. This new feature is available on both the i-Neighbour Web and i-Neighbour App.
a. New Calendar interface with 3 interchangeable buttons. |
2. E-Form - Export to Excel and PDF
iNeighbour has always emphasized better efficiency for the management; this newly implemented feature will speed up the admins' day-to-day data processing.
Now, you can export the E-Form into two file types, Excel or PDF. With this, Admins no longer have to compile details into another file; instead, they can do it by just simply a click.
a. New E-Form interfaces with two clickable buttons for export.
![](https://www.i-neighbour.com/feature/June2021/images/image2.jpg) |
3. Invoice Details
The paid amount has been added to the invoice details for iOS devices. When the admin uploaded the official receipt, the system will also update the 'payment made' information in the invoice for better bookkeeping purposes.
a. The paid amount will reflect the payment made. |
![](https://www.i-neighbour.com/feature/June2021/images/image3.png) |
4. Defect Report - Admin’s Remark/Progress Update
A minor update has been done on the defect report. Now, the admins can write longer in both the admin’s remark and the progress update, from 100 to 500 characters.
This improvement allows for a better report and provides a better communication flow for more efficient work.
a. Admin’s Remark and Inquiry/Progress Update Interface
![](https://www.i-neighbour.com/feature/June2021/images/image4.png) |
![](https://www.i-neighbour.com/feature/June2021/images/image5.png) |