How To Add/Delete Favourite Contacts (Resident): |
For Mobile -
Before residents proceed to invite visitors into the neighbourhood, note that it is possible to add Favourite Contacts in i-Neighbour. The Favourite Contacts function is implemented to help hasten the process when inviting a visitor into the neighbourhood. To add a Favourite Contact into i-Neighbour, please proceed to i-Neighbour App > More > Favourite Contacts.
In the overview, residents can tap on Add Now button or the + Icon to add in their favourite contacts. By tapping on the Add function, residents will be presented with 3 choices, namely Add New, Add Visitor From Listing and Import from Contact.
Selecting Add New will direct the residents to a Contact Form page whereby the residents will have to input the relevant data. Note that only the visitor’s Name is required at this point to start adding the visitor as a Favourite Contact. After completing the action, click on the Save button and the contacts will now be displayed in the overview.
Next, selecting Add Visitor From Listing will direct the residents to a list of visitors that has visited the residents or vice versa. Tapping on the selected visitor will bring about two option: Add New and Update Existing. Tapping on Add New will add the contacts as New Favourite Contacts while Update Existing allows the residents to update the info contacts here to the ones created previously. Hence, please proceed with the steps to add in the favourite contacts. The contacts will then be displayed in the overview once done.
Moving on, selecting Import from Contact will direct residents to the list of contacts stored within the user’s smartphone. Subsequently, tapping on the contacts will likewise import the contacts info into the Contact Form page for the residents to fill up. Tap on the Save button after confirming the information and the favourite contact will then be displayed in the overview.
Additionally, if residents would like to delete the added contacts, please swipe left on the selected contacts and a Trash icon will appear. Tapping on the Trash icon will prompt the residents with a pop-up to confirm the action. Note that the deleted data cannot retrieved once the action is confirmed.